
Candelaria via Punta Larga Shopping Area

There are four ways to get to Candelaria from the hotel.

1) Walk through the local shopping area of Punta Larga.
2) Walk along the seafront promenade.
3) Catch the local Titsa Bus.
4) Go by Taxi.

To walk will take you around 40/45 minutes at a reasonable walking pace. It’s a nice walk whichever way you go, and you can take as much time as you like to enjoy everything there is to see on the way, of course.
If you struggle with walking, then you will probably be better off catching the bus from the bus stop very close to the hotel entrance. (See bus directions here: LINK TO BUS DETAILS)

1) Through The Local Shopping Area of Punta Larga.

1) Turn right out of the hotel entrance and stay on the same side of the road:

2) Keep walking until you reach the fork in the road.
(You will see the “La Barraca” restaurant in the middle of the fork)
Stay to the RIGHT:

3) Keep walking to the right of “La Barraca”

4) Stay to the LEFT at this point:

5) And again… stay to the LEFT:

6) Continue walking until the road turns sharp LEFT:

7) Follow the road round to the LEFT, down to the bottom and then turn RIGHT

8) Walk to the crossing and cross as shown by the arrows.
You can now continue to walk down the pedestrianised centre of the road towards Candelaria.

Here’s a speeded-up video of the walk from this point,  through the centre of the Punta Larga shopping area as far as the Commercial Centre (shopping mall).
You can stop at the Commercial Centre to browse the shops inside and grab a coffee, or any other refreshment you fancy, before continuing on to Candelaria:

9) From the Commercial Centre, carry on walking down the pedestrianised centre of the road:

10) Keep walking until you reach the crossing just before the roundabout:

11) Cross to the pavement:

12) And follow it down to the left as shown by the arrows:

13) Cross to the opposite pavement and follow it round to the right:

14) If you were walking along the seafront, you would reach this same junction here:

15) Continue down this road:

16) Until you reach this mini-roundabout, then follow the arrows:

17) Keep to the left, down the small hill:

18) And along the Candelaria seafront:

19) Until you reach the bottom where you’ll find the Tourist Information Office on your left:

20) Continue down the pedestrianised area towards the Basilica and the square. There are bars and restaurants in this area and two wicked ice cream stalls!

21) Finally out into the square where there are a couple more nice restaurants and places to explore.

From these directions, this may seem like a very long walk!
At an average walking pace, it will take around 40 to 45 minutes. I’m sure there will be those who walk it faster and those who walk it slower, but it’s a nice walk with plenty to see along the way.

You can enjoy a beer or any other refreshment when you get here!

When we stay at the hotel, we regularly walk this in the morning and get back to the hotel in time for lunch before serving finishes.

The second way to walk to Candelaria is along the seafront promenade. Please click here to see these directions: Walking directions via seafront



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Candelaria via the Seafront Promenade