
The Adults Only Solarium


The Adults Only Solarium is five minutes away from the hotel entrance. Cross over to the opposite pavement, directly outside the hotel.  Please remember that traffic may be travelling in the opposite direction from what you are used to at home. Please take care when crossing the road!
***Please Note: As of 2024 the solarium is available to Premium Room Guests Only.***

Please see photo below:

Turn right and you will see the entrance door to the Solarium a short way up the road on your left. (Close to the white car in the photo)
 **Please Note: If your room door card does not open this door, just go back to the hotel reception and tell them. They will sort it out quickly for you.

This is the entrance door to the Solarium:

And this is what you will find on the other side of the door:
There are two large hot tubs in the Solarium.


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